Impact of scientific research on professional
Resumen: Teniendo en cuenta las tendencias mundiales de las publicaciones científicas y el auge de los
temas de investigación en las universidades de todo el mundo, este trabajo analiza los beneficios, las ventajas
y las oportunidades de utilizar herramientas de investigación científica en la enseñanza universitaria. Para ello,
se evalúan diferentes fuentes bibliográficas y se analizan encuestas realizadas a un grupo de estudiantes
seleccionados al azar. Los principales resultados muestran que son muchos los factores que influyen en la
falta de buenos productos de investigación en la región sudamericana y en la falta de implicación de los
estudiantes en el proceso de investigación, así como en la permanencia de los estudiantes en programas de
formación mayoritariamente tradicionales.
Palabras clave: formación universitaria, metodologías educativas, perfil del investigador.
ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training
Sandro Vicente Tejada-Franco
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Arequipa, Perú
Recibido (14/12/2022), Aceptado (22/03/2023)
Ramon Orlando Maque-Diaz
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Arequipa, Perú
Hugo Fernando Mamani-Chambi
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Arequipa, Perú
Laura Karina Cervantes-Chávez
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Arequiá, Perú
Raúl Mauro Gonzales-Véliz
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Arequipa, Perú
Sixto Jhon Arapa-Villanueva
Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa
Arequipa, Perú
Impacto de la investigación científica en la formación profesional
Abstract.- Considering the global trends in scientific publications and the boom in research topics in
universities worldwide, this paper analyzes the benefits, advantages, and opportunities of using scientific
research tools in university education. For this purpose, different bibliographic sources are evaluated, and
surveys on a randomly selected group of students are analyzed. The main results show that many factors
influence the lack of good research products in the South American region and students' lack of involvement
in the research process and that students remain with largely traditional training programs.
Keywords: University training, educational methodologies, researcher profile.
The present corresponds to a world in constant evolution, where technological advances, scientific
discoveries, and labor demands are rapidly transformed, and vocational training acquires increasing
importance. However, it is necessary to inquire about the challenge that professionals have to stay updated
and prepared to face the challenges of the XXI century. [1] [2] Most likely, the answer lies in the
transformative power of scientific research. Research is the engine that drives the expansion of knowledge
and profoundly impacts the training of highly competent professionals [3]. [4] In this paper, we will explore the
impacts of scientific research and how its findings and methodologies influence the acquisition of skills, the
development of new perspectives, and the improvement of the quality of vocational training. It is expected to
learn how scientific research becomes an invaluable ally for those seeking to excel in their fields and embrace
continuous learning in an ever-changing environment.
Social Impact: Scientific Research
The theories that explain human development tend to specify the importance of strengthening the
capacities and skills of people to contribute to the development of their communities and rebuild the
planet sustainably through adequate education as a source for human beings to develop [5]. In this
sense, universities are academic institutions capable of promoting scientific activity, prioritizing science
and technology as an educational policy with the participation of teachers and students through
multidisciplinary research teams to solve different social problems, and seeking new challenges and
opportunities [6]. In addition, scientific research must generate development in the other social sectors:
economic, cultural, political, educational, and technological; to achieve this purpose, universities in South
America must be governed by legal guidelines, using strategies that increase scientific production to
generate academic visibility at the international level [7] [8].
In this sense, the importance of generating new knowledge is based on the training of professionals with
a sense of innovation and capacity for critical and analytical thinking, developing skills and competencies
to solve the demands of society. It is necessary to form a good attitude toward research in both teachers
and students, consolidating an academic profile that stops limiting the student to only being in the future
a distant professional of research [9] [10]. However, the experiences of international academic mobility
carried out by Latin American students in most cases are beneficial because the experience open-
mindedly to the student coping with cultural challenges, language, economy, and academia, generating
greater autonomy, critical capacity, and research training, aspects that are prioritized in other universities
for the opportunities offered to them. And the programs they develop for research, experiences that
should be replicated in South American universities to encourage research in professional training [3] [11].
Likewise, training new researchers requires teachers with high research skills; therefore, the teacher must
be trained to produce scientific with the ability to assume the commitment to transmit knowledge and
strengthen students’ research skills through appropriate pedagogical and didactic practices, which awaken
research interest, commitment, ethics and teamwork [2], [12].
The result of research training depends on the management of the educational authority, capable of
enabling the investment of the necessary resources for production, dissemination, and communication, as
well as different scenarios that require the use of tools, capacities, and aptitudes to research, concluding
that higher educational institutions should be the seedbeds of research with the expectation of
developing societies as part of their social responsibility [5].
ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training
Therefore, to generate relevant results in the training of researchers in students, it is necessary to
restructure university educational policies in research, as well as pedagogical and didactic strategies in
training, strengthen academic mobility programs, manage a budget to finance projects, formalize and direct
research seedbeds, selection and inclusion in multidisciplinary projects developed by teachers to students
with positive attitudes towards research, promoting and improving the skills of academic actors to solve the
problems of society.
Previous studies describe that university students in South America present unfavorable attitudes towards
research, considering that students in health sciences have better developed their research skills due to the
nature of their training. Likewise, female students develop their research skills better than male students. Age
indicates that the older the student presents more interest in research [13], [12].
In South America, there is a low scientific production, with few developments of a basic level compared to
other Central American countries [14], [15]. In this sense, it could be said that the crisis of academic
production in vocational training is due to a set of factors that must be resolved to reverse the statistics, the
most significant being: inadequate university educational policies in research, inadequate training of research
teachers who are responsible for teaching research courses in academic classrooms, curricular meshes that
do not respond in the training of new scientists, focused on training field professionals, classical pedagogical
and didactic strategies, research institutes that are an exclusivity for some researchers, distancing in the
inclusion of a representative majority of students in research projects, absence of a plan to strengthen the
culture in research, low budget to finance projects, and personal and academic interest of the student for
Research in undergraduate student training in Peru
At present, research activities in the training of undergraduate students in Peru focus more on repetitive
learning than on reflective learning [16]. As a result, students acquire limited research competencies. Although
some students participate in research groups or workshops facilitated by some teachers, most of them
engage in research activities only during the execution of their thesis to obtain their bachelor's degree. So far,
more than 250,000 theses have been registered in the National Registry of Research Works (RENATI) since
2007. According to the National Superintendence of University Higher Education [17], less than 1% of these
theses have been used for the elaboration, and publication of scientific articles, indicating that the scientific
activity of university students in the country is limited. The traditional education provided in universities
focuses only on the training of professionals, without considering whether students receive adequate training
in scientific research or whether their participation in research groups or projects funded by these institutions
is promoted [18].
In this sense, in Peru, according to the new University Law No. 30220 [19], one of the purposes of universities
is to promote scientific, technological, and humanistic research, although vice-rectorships for research have
been created to promote and manage this topic, it is still weakened by the number of recognized research
professors working in educational institutions, with less than 5% dedicated to research.
On the other hand, according to Medina, Medina, and Merino [20], the relationship between education and
research should enhance academic development and, above all, the prestige of educational institutions.
Therefore, the participation of academics is essential to continue refuting or confirming theories, seeking new
knowledge, or expanding existing knowledge. Hence, it is necessary to foster research attitudes within
academic classrooms.
ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training
Thus, the student in the formative practice should undergo a reflective and critical process regarding the
problems to be studied and must cultivate a positive attitude towards knowledge generation [21]. However,
one of the primary attitudes exhibited by students is a lack of research interest [22]. They do not find research
appealing because they lack motivation and, most importantly, they lack passion for scientific topics (figure 1).
They do not delve into the content and are content with what is taught in the academic classrooms, displaying
Additionally, the research teacher plays a crucial role in shaping the student's necessary attitudes to achieve
proper research skill development. However, students struggle to fully cultivate these skills. Undertaking a
research project proves challenging, and their expectations regarding seeking necessary information are often
unmet. They have minimal reading habits, are unaccustomed to writing, and their analysis of academic work
lacks precision [23].
Hence, to fortify positive attitudes in aspiring researchers, they must possess a predisposition to immerse
themselves in scientific work, effectively manage their emotions and feelings, actively collaborate in
multidisciplinary teams, and uphold values like honesty, critical thinking, empathy, solidarity, and assistance.
Above all, they should demonstrate ethical principles that reflect their true calling for research [24]. In this
context, if the student's attitude generates pleasurable thoughts and feelings, they will probably cultivate a
positive mindset. Conversely, if such a situation does not occur, their attitude will be negative, potentially
leading to adverse or unfavorable behavior.
ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Figure1. Criterios de inclusión y exclusión
When examining the impact of socio-educational factors on students in professional training and their
attitudes toward research, it is noteworthy that there are no significant differences based on gender. This
finding emphasizes that both men and women are equally capable of demonstrating favorable or unfavorable
attitudes, showing interest or disinterest, possessing or lacking vocational inclination, as well as expressing
appreciation or lack of appreciation toward research [25].
Concerning the variable age and attitude towards research, significant differences were found, with university
students in their last years presenting better attitudes towards research than students in their first semesters,
mainly because the thesis is fundamental for their graduation, an indicator that shows the low academic
productivity of the student. [26].
Regarding the field of study and attitudes towards research, students in health sciences exhibit higher
interest and vocational inclination towards research compared to those in social sciences and engineering
[27]. However, no differences were observed in attitudes toward research based on educational institutions.
Hence, it is challenging to determine which university excels in training or fostering research among
undergraduate students. This description provides insights into research development within educational
institutions, the formation of attitudes, and the key factors—such as universities and teachers—that influence
students' motivation to enhance scientific production.
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training
For this work, a documentary analysis of open-access sources from recent years was carried out to know the
new research concerning the subject, with scientific research being the central axis.
In addition, the scale of attitudes towards research duly validated [28] and completed with socio-academic
variables of the students was applied to find statistically significant differences in a sample of 2448 students.
Likewise, the ethical processes for collecting data and information were carried out, considering the informed
consent of the participants. Also, the confidentiality of their information was protected.
The academic community must understand the weaknesses of scientific research in the South American
region to understand the importance of scientific developments for society, health, and industry and the
repercussions of this on the region's growth. Therefore, to have an adequate impact of research on the
professional training of university students who produce knowledge that helps solve and improve social
problems and demands, it is necessary to prioritize actions to obtain better results. Designing new
educational regulations focusing on research and considering a science-based education is also essential.
Another critical factor is the investment in the education and training of teachers with a research profile
to assume an adequate academic and research posture in the classroom and thus motivate and
encourage the student body. In addition, research groups should be strengthened and promoted so that
students can participate in teams and develop their competencies. All this should be consolidated with
rethinking current pedagogical and didactic practices that motivate and awaken the student's interest in
research. However, one of the primary needs in this context of transformation will be restructuring the
curricula with subjects that train researchers. Innovative educational methodologies that promote the
development of scientific research.
On the other hand, and perhaps one of the most critical factors, is the collaboration between academia
and the professional sector, which could ensure that academic training is aligned with the needs and
demands of the labor market. As technologies advance and new challenges emerge, educational
programs must remain current and relevant. Therefore, collaboration with professionals enables
educational institutions to adapt their curricula, include relevant skills and knowledge, and ensure that
graduates are equipped to meet the world of work challenges. In addition, collaboration fosters
knowledge transfer and the practical application of academic research. Academics bring research
expertise, theoretical knowledge, and new perspectives to professional challenges. On the other hand, the
professional sector provides practical information, real-world experience, and case studies that enrich
teaching and research. This mutual collaboration allows academic research to directly impact problem-
solving and the development of innovative solutions in the professional environment.
In addition, academia-professional sector collaboration fosters the employability of graduates, as
companies and organizations increasingly value candidates' practical skills and work experience. This
integration of academia and the professional sector allows the design of internship programs, internships,
and joint projects that provide students and graduates with concrete opportunities to apply their
knowledge and develop skills in a natural work environment. This strengthens the transition from
education to employment and increases the chances of career success.
ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training
Finally, Peruvian undergraduate students present average attitudes towards research that tend to be
unfavorable, with those in the area of health sciences presenting more favorable attitudes towards research
than students in social sciences and engineering. In addition, it was observed that students in the last years of
study value research more highly and show a greater inclination to become involved in research-related
activities than students in the first years.
The impact of scientific research on vocational training is significant and beneficial in several respects, both
for the professional future and for university and business environments. Developing skills in scientific
research provides professionals with the necessary tools to stay updated in their respective areas,
encouraging continuous learning and the acquisition of relevant skills. In addition, scientific research improves
the quality of vocational training by influencing and updating curricular content, implementing best
pedagogical practices, and enhancing educational programs.
A good collaboration between academia and the professional sector is vital to maximizing scientific research's
impact on professional training. In addition, this integration favors the transfer of knowledge and the practical
application of research, creating a bridge between theory and practice. In addition, this collaboration ensures
that academic training is aligned with the needs and demands of the labor market, preparing professionals to
face the world of work challenges effectively. On the other hand, it favors the industry to promote
developments and improvements in business needs.
The impact of scientific research on vocational training is a powerful combination that drives excellence,
innovation, and the development of relevant skills. Scientific research provides the knowledge and theoretical
foundation needed to solve complex problems, adopt evidence-based approaches, and foster critical thinking
in practitioners. This interaction between research and professional training strengthens the link between
academia and the world of work, creating opportunities for personal growth and contributing to the
advancement of society in general.
Scientific research plays a crucial role in advancing knowledge. Consequently, the training of researchers
should be given greater emphasis within university classrooms. By prioritizing the development of research
skills, universities can foster a culture that values and promotes scientific inquiry.
The responsibility for fostering positive attitudes towards scientific research lies with the university and its
human resources, particularly the teachers. Teachers need to acquire the necessary competencies and act as
role models for their students, motivating them to engage in scientific activities. Their guidance and support
are instrumental in nurturing a passion for research among students.
Research is not confined to a specific field of study but encompasses all areas and disciplines. It is the
responsibility of all academics to cultivate the necessary attitudes to identify and solve problems through
research. A broad recognition of research's importance should be emphasized, encouraging individuals from
various fields to engage in scientific inquiry.
Educational institutions should consider restructuring their curricula to prioritize science-based education
and actively encourage and promote research. By integrating scientific principles and methodologies into their
programs, universities can inspire students to pursue scientific exploration and equip them with the necessary
skills to contribute meaningfully to their respective fields.
ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training
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ISSN-E: 2542-3401, ISSN-P: 1316-4821
Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología,
Número Especial 2023, (pp. 73-80)
Tejada-Franco V. et al. Impact of scientific research on professional training