About the Journal


The Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología Journal (ISSN-e 2542-3401, ISSN-p: 1316-4821) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access scientific and academic journal committed to the sciences, technology, and scientific research in a global, equitable, and inclusive way. Its main goal is to provide high-quality works on various topics, with timely research on current realities. Authors are invited to participate in our editorial and scientific committee to create spaces for disseminating research on the latest science and technology topics.

The Journal prefers works that provide information about different branches of science and technology, that present novel findings, and that debate with other publications of interest, in addition to allowing the expansion of our methodological and theoretical knowledge, reporting on new proposals, new practices, and discoveries. The Journal accepts works with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods and takes systematic literature reviews that contribute to discovering new theories, scientific gaps, and academic contributions in general. The Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología Journal invites the submission of extensive works with an international scope that projects a substantial vision of current situations in various professional areas, with complete methodological details and significant results.


The Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología Journal publishes in all relevant fields of research, including, but not limited to:

  • Educational sciences
  • Medical and health sciences
  • Administrative sciences
  • Legal sciences and law
  • Engineering sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Technology
  • Architecture
  • Art
  • Graphic Design
  • Religion


ISSN print: 1316-4821 
Electronic ISSN: 2542-3401

Periodicity of the Journal

From 2024, the Revista Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología will become a continuous publication. Articles will be received throughout the year, and special calls for papers will be published on the journal's website.

Previous periods

From 2021 to 2023, the periodicity of the journal was quarterly (March-May, June- August, September- November, December- February).

In 2020, the journal Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología had a monthly periodicity (January, February, March, March, April, April, May, June, June, July, August, September, September, October, November, and December), including special issues for events and congresses.

In 2019, the journal Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología had a bimonthly periodicity: February, April, June, August, October, and December.

In years before 2019, the Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología journal had a quarterly periodicity.

About Special Issues

The Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología journal publishes one Special Issue per year, which deals with topics related to a particular theme, in one of the disciplines that the journal accepts regularly. For this issue, a specific academic committee may be selected, which will be responsible for all the specific activities corresponding to the publication, such as organization, layout, layout, and peer review of the material received. An editor may be invited to take charge of the organization of the activities associated with the publication of this issue.

The guest editor should fill out the following form.

Copyright / Open Access Declaration

The papers and other academic works published in the Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología Journal will be open-access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). The author(s) retain the copyright. In addition, the  Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología Journal will insert the following note at the end of each published Issue:

© 2024 by the authors; licensee AutanaBooks, Quito, Ecuador. The published Issue is open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

The authors grant permission to use the articles by others under the open-access license mentioned above. This license allows immediate and unrestricted access to the work, including the ability to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to the complete text, index, use as data in software, and any other lawful purpose.


The Universidad Ciencia y Tecnología Journal does not have financing from public or private institutions. Therefore, to maintain its continuity over time, the journal charges an amount for each of the papers and academic research approved. For more information about it, please write an email to editorial@autanabooks.com.


The Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología journal does not host advertising on its website for its visual cleanliness and editorial independence.

Calls for Papers

Calls for publication are made through email and social networks. People interested in publishing can express their interest by email or by consulting the contacts provided by the journal.