In mining works, tunnels and / or slopes, for the purposes of rock mass evaluation, an important parameter is the uniaxial compressive strength (RCU) of the rock material; Similarly, geomechanical classifications, with the purpose of defining safety factors and types of fortification, use uniaxial compression resistance as one of the fundamental parameters. The determination of this property is obtained by sending rock samples to the laboratory, which makes the work tedious, expensive and with long waiting times. It is proposed with expertise that uniaxial compressive strength can be determined with simple standard equipment, such as a press and a caliper, which are usually found within mining camps. In this work a correlation between deformations and resistance to uniaxial compression of the rock, providing a practical way to determine the latter, with a low cost and a certain degree of reliability to obtain an approximation of the parameter described above and thus I helped the mining engineers in studies later.
Keywords: Uniaxial compression, Fortification, Mining, Rock.
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