The research evaluated the dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility of banana companies in the province of Los Ríos. For this purpose, the application of the ISO 26000 standard was analyzed taking into account the dimensions of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The objective was to evaluate the dimensions: economic, environmental and social to determine the status of CSR in the management of banana companies in the province of Los Ríos, in order to provide information on the aspects in which this sector and the variables that they must improve. To do this, descriptive research and literary review were used to support direct research, the research instrument was the survey, which was composed of 28 variables based on 3 dimensions, for the analysis of data a factorial analysis was carried out using the tests : KMO, Bartlett's sphericity test and the matrix of rotated components. The instrument showed a reliability statistic for Cronbach's Alpha of .844, by means of the KMO tests a value of .845 was obtained and in the Bartlett Test of Sphericity a level of significance of .000 was obtained. application of the factorial analysis, by means of the analysis of the sedimentation graph and the Matrix of Rotated Components, 4 main components were obtained, the results of the matrix show the main coefficients obtained. The banana companies of Los Ríos stand out in the social dimension with 10 variables with coefficients higher than 0.80, however, in the economic and environmental dimension, they should improve as they obtained low scores in their coefficients.
Keywords: Social Results, ISO 26000, Indicators, Banana Sector.
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