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Management model
modal failure analysis
computer unit
indicator evaluation

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Viteri Alcívar, Y. A., Cano Montesdeoca, M. T., Zambrano Rendón, A. D., & Minaya Vera, C. G. (2019). EVALUATION OF CURRENT INCIDENTS AND RISKS IN THE TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE OF LAICA ELOY ALFARO UNIVERSITY IN MANABÍ-ECUADOR. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(94), 7. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/173


The vulnerabilities of the technological infrastructure of the Lay University Eloy Alfaro de Manabí were analyzed. For this, the methodology was used by levels. Initially, the current situation of the Central Computer Coordination Unit was determined and the main incidents on the site were identified, which were assessed considering their level of sensitivity. With the methodology Modal Analysis of Faults and Effects, the levels of probability and impact of the risks were reached, the MAGERIT methodology was also used to identify the assets of the unit and the threats to which they may be exposed. Finally, the Continuity Management Model was developed, based on the following phases: Scope of the Business Continuity Plan, Risk Assessment, Business Impact Analysis, Recovery Strategies and Plan Development. Finally, it is concluded that the computer unit is exposed to 59% of critical risks caused by threats according to the analysis carried out with a high level of criticality, so the proposed model will allow to respond significantly to possible incidents in order to give continuity to operations for the benefit of the university community.

Keywords: Management model, modal failure analysis, computer unit, indicator evaluation. STANDARD 22301.

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