Galvanized steel is widely used and the electropump welding process is a method used for its assembly. The main objective is to evaluate of spot welding on sheets steel AISI 1015 galvanized. Welds have three distinct areas, the fusion zone (ZF), the heat affected zone (HAZ), consisting of a coarse grain zone (CGZ) and the intercritical region (ICZ); and base material (BM). By comparing the microstructures of welded sheets with different coatings it was found that the HAZ increase in size with increasing coating thickness, this is attributed to the coating decreases heat transfer, which makes the cooling rate decreases and increase in size of the HAZ. The corrosion present was localized corrosion. In the electrochemical test, the zinc ions form corrosion products Zn(OH)2 from the interaction with the sulfate and chloride ions. It is concluded that the thickness of the coating influences the microstructure of the welds, affecting the size and morphology of the areas and the zinc coating when in contact with the acidified solution, in a short time, forms a synergistic inhibiting effect.
Keywords: Steel galvanized, localized corrosion, spot welding, intercritical zone.
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