The current technological development leads to the recycling industry to become important providers of raw materials for the manufacture of the most dissimilar items of daily consumption or long-lasting equipment. At the same time, it allows to protect the environment, save energy and mineral resources. This article present the current state how the recycling is done in some countries of the world and analyzes the State in Ecuador. It show the different methods to achieve the recovery or recycling of components, important elements that should be know the directors of commodity raw material at the time of choosing which method to use. It demonstrate that there is need for greater disclosure to this subject, to achieve a degree of awareness that allow to obtain a larger organization in waste and a reduction of the adverse effects that this problem brings to the environment. As for the Ecuadorian market, found that there are currently several recyclers, however, the business of recycling is minimal, since the levels of knowledge in the country are not very deep.
Keywords: Energy, Industry, Minerals, Technological Recycling.
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