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Information Technology
Risk Management
Computer Security
Information Protection

How to Cite

Mendoza Loor, J. L., Briones Mera, J. A., Mendoza Cedeño, H. F., & Mendoza Vega, K. M. (2019). ANALYSIS OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNITS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 1(1), 6. Retrieved from


An analysis of the risk conditions present in the Information Technology (IT) units is presented, where the academic data and information of the universities rest. In this study the personnel of the IT units of different institutions of the province of Manabí in Ecuador have been evaluated. For this, the academic profiles and their participation in the management of information protection have been considered. For the execution of this work, surveys have been carried out on IT personnel, with a total of 360 people surveyed that make up the sample. The analysis made it possible to verify the levels of security and quality of the Information Technology services offered by the departments of the evaluated institutions, in turn it was possible to verify the knowledge management present in the 40 institutions studied.

Keywords: Information Technology, Risk Management, Computer Security, Information Protection.


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