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Pap smear
Uterine Cancer Prevention

How to Cite

Latacela, G. A., Martínez Suárez, P. C., Angamarca Cuji, J. L., & Lozado Lojano, D. A. (2019). PAP SMEAR AS A PREVENTIVE MEASURE OF CERVICAL-UTERINE CANCER. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(95), 45-51. Retrieved from


The objective of the investigation was to determine the factors that limit the performance of Pap smears in women traders of the "Polibio Romero Sacoto" Fairgrounds. The methodology applied is descriptive, with a probabilistic sampling, the sample was 175 women. The Pap smear survey was applied as an instrument. Among the results we have that 55.4% of the respondents belong to young adulthood, 49.7% are married, 39.4% reach a full primary, 84.6% are Catholic, 92% have children, 75% are multiparous, 24.6% unknown about the Pap smear, 33.1% have never had the Pap test. In relation to the degree of knowledge about the Pap smear, 42.9% do not know the frequency to be tested. 44% have an insufficient level of knowledge in relation to the objective to be realized; 55.4% reflect insufficient knowledge regarding the conditions prior to cervical cervical screening; 50.3% are unaware of who should be tested. It is concluded that the low coverage of cervical-uterine screening is due to the fact that the investigated population does not have accurate information about the PAP, being careless a limiting factor so that women traders do not have a Pap smear.

Keywords: Pap smear; Cervico-Uterino; Uterine Cancer Prevention.


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