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Inclusive tourism
Recreational activities
Ecotourism park

How to Cite

Vera Calderón, T. A., Castro Cedeño, D. P., Delgado Morán, R. C., Salazar Olives, G. G., & Anchundia Pazmiño, J. C. (2019). STRATEGIC ANALYSIS TO ENHANCE THE COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF THE GEENDU NARAA ECOTOURISM PARK. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(95), 66-74. Retrieved from


This research is composed of three phases: the search for information, the identification of activities and the results of the proposals, the main objective is to make feasible proposals for the creation of the Geendu Naraa Ecotourism Park, proposing recreational activities that will be implemented through three stages; information collection of the spaces that the park has, identification of the ideal activities to be implemented, and making proposals that allow the park to have a greater influx of visitors, promoting inclusive tourism through cycling, a sport that will allow the integration of families and friends in a healthy and safe environment, in order to publicize the most important attractions that the park has through the development of proposals for the positioning of tourism in this Canton. The research carried out corresponds to a descriptive study applying comparative methodologies with other studies already carried out, resulting in the implementation of recreational activities in the park that allows a greater influx of visitors. This project has a significant influence on the social, economic, environmental and tourism impact generated by the park's recreational activities on the families, students and community in general of the Pedernales Canton.

Keywords: Inclusive tourism, recreational activities, ecotourism park, environment.


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