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Intelligent Electronic Devices - IEDs
Renewable Energy
Electric Cogeneration
Smart Grid
LFSR Model

How to Cite

Sandoval-Ruiz, C. E. (2019). RESEARCH PLATFORM OF RECONFIGURABLE ELECTRICAL NETWORKS OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES APPLYING LFSR MODELS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 23(95), 103-115. Retrieved from


This research presents a platform for modular adaptation of electrical networks, with the aim of adapting the production of renewable energy. The concept of a science park for research in sustainable technology, based on a reconfigurable scheme, concatenation of converters and energy storage with sequential feedback, it in the framework of regenerative systems. Criteria were established for the configuration of intelligent electronic devices IEDs, supported by FPGA technology. Artificial neural networks have been applied, in their specific functions of system identification, dynamic modeling, advanced control and coupling of reconfigurable schemes. As a result, the conceptual design of the platform is obtained under criteria of sustainability and environmental responsibility, a matrix of codes for the remote configuration of the elements and a model with LFSR (Lineal Feedback Shift Register) architecture for the renewable energy converter system. All this makes it possible to contribute to the migration towards new technologies and sustainable models of the energy matrix, with online transformation of the environmental impact and efficiency of the new developments.

Keywords: Intelligent Electronic Devices - IEDs, Renewable Energy, Electric Cogeneration, Smart Grid, LFSR Model.


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