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External debt
Fiscal policy
Tax revenues

How to Cite

Munzon, K., Palomo, D., & Caicedo, F. (2020). EFFECTS OF THE BEHAVIOR OF THE EXTERNAL DEBT IN THE PUBLIC FINANCES OF ECUADOR. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(98), 28-36. Retrieved from https://uctunexpo.autanabooks.com/index.php/uct/article/view/279


The investigation allowed to establish the level of incidence that the external debt has in the public finances of Ecuador. It was stated that the consequences of this debt are granted directly to the Ecuadorian population, through the implementation of fiscal policies that affect the economy of the country. The study discussion variables were external debt, public expenditure, tax revenues and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The methodological design evidenced a quantitative-deductive approach, since a database with information collected from the Central Bank of Ecuador and the Ministry of Economy and Finance was analyzed using the R-Studio statistical software. It was determined that there is an affirmative correlation between the study variables. Similarly, the research purpose revealed that the evolution of external debt has an impact on the effects of public finances. The result determined that tax revenues are affected by the increase in external debt, so that the hypothetical criterion was validated.

Keywords: External debt, Fiscal policy, Tax revenues.


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