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Geographic Information System

How to Cite

Ulpo Hernández, H. O., Reyes Quijije, A. F., Ovalle Correa, B. H., & Ramos Mosquera, B. (2020). ANALYSIS OF THE GEORREFERENCING SYSTEMS FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIPS. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(99), 24-31. Retrieved from


The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are one of the recent technological innovations that have emerged to facilitate the management of territories and the environment, facilitating the search or location of different objects, through digital maps, used by some users to the location of general places, very few occasions for monitoring and development and evolution of the enterprises. The purpose of this research is to analyze the different Geographic Information Systems that exist for enterprises, also revealing the advantages that GIS can offer in business and in the market. For this, the definition, importance and main applications of Geographic Information Systems will be taken as a starting point, through a bibliographic review of other authors who have given their opinion on this matter. The analysis in this case allowed us to determine that currently there is no GIS software specifically focused on startups, however, finding that georeferencing through GIS is an excellent option for entrepreneurs, because it allows them to access information related to the market and existing competition.

Keywords: GIS, geographic information system, entrepreneurship.


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