Intellectual capital whose dimensions are human capital, structural capital and relational capital, have elements that serve to use them to benefit the growth of the company and to determine what is the relationship between these aspects and the organizational culture in the manufacturing sector, it was proposed aim to interpret these interactions. Bibliographic research was used to support theoretical assumptions and field research to extract information on the manufacturing sector that represents an important economic activity in the analyzed geographical area. A sample of 345 micro-enterprises was used, applying the instrument to executives, managers and administrators. In the results, it was obtained that there is interaction in three factors regarding the management of intellectual capital, the ethical values applied in companies and in the workplace, the research finding determined that in the dimension of structural capital, the promotion of technology, adaptation or monitoring of processes and that the knowledge of human capital has not yet been used efficiently in this type of company.
Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Human Capital, Structural Capital, Relational Capital.
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