The present investigation includes a review of optimization strategies of the photovoltaic systems oriented towards the axes of sustainable development, as well as technological concepts that include reconfiguration techniques of photovoltaic modules and monitoring of the maximum power point. Giving rise to the design of an alternative method of optimization, based on intelligent positioning of airships suspended at a certain height, in order to obtain a signal adapted to the conditions of maximum power and quality to neutralize the degradation of PV modules. This scheme proposes a minimal intervention of the installed systems concentrating the design to the heliostatic solar kites, studying the control and optimization model, in order to present less environmental impact and offer ecological solutions. Similarly, the bio-inspired training technology for solar tracking and waveguide concentration for the MPPT system is analyzed. The result is a strategy formulated with the description of the components, definition of the technology and support equations. The main contribution, a solution for re-addressing of solar radiation and extension of peak sun hours, on photovoltaic conversion surfaces, while proposing the protection of direct radiation on natural surfaces.
Keywords: Renewable Energies, Bio-Inspired Neural Training, Solar Heliostatic Comet, MPPT Optimization.
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