Operational research applied to open-pit mines, under a systemic approach, which allowed the modelling of mineral loading and transport systems. Sub-processes considered to have the greatest impact on the mining cost structure, representing between 50% and 60%. Activities included sampling schedules for the San Isidro, Los Barrancos, Las Pailas, Cerro Bolívar and Altamira iron mines. The degree of complexity of these processes was considered by the number of variables and interactions found, resulting in a Conceptual Model called FRED, whose components are: (1) Excavation Front; (2) Routes; (3) Mining Equipment; and (4) Mineral destinations. The FRED Model, represented the platform for the design of a computational tool under the Java Script language, called ACATEU, which supports the configuration of the entities described above; which means a comparative advantage over other models, since it allows to combine operating scenarios in open pit mines according to unconventional variables.
Keywords: load-carry, systemic approach, computational tool, conceptual model.
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