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music education
integral development
initial education

How to Cite

Carrion, D., Cabrera, J., & Aguirre, C. (2020). EFFECT OF MUSIC EDUCATION ON THE COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN IN THE PRESCHOOL STAGE. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(103), 12-16. https://doi.org/10.47460/uct.v24i103.351


This article presents the results of a research work on the effects of music education and its impact on the comprehensive development of children in the pre-school stage, which has led to its end. Through this research, the use of music is promoted as a transversal axis for the learning process in children from Ecuador in the rural sector, from a parish within the canton of Quito. The methodological development has been based on field research and theoretical approaches, with which the research is sustained. It can be mentioned that applying music in early childhood will help develop the mental process by stimulating in significant environments, which will allow lasting learning.

Keywords: music education, integral development, initial education.

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