Tourism is one of the largest sources of income in the world. In Ecuador, tourism is the third income category, while in the Province of Manabí it is considered that the activity contributes 15% of GDP. The present work studies the panorama of the supply and demand of the San Lorenzo Parish, Manta canton. This rural space, despite being characterized by having tourist resources such as its protected natural beaches, the celebration of popular festivals, archaeological remains and gastronomic wealth, has not been potentiated. The proposed design was non-experimental. To collect information, a review of technical works, field observations and the application of a survey of 385 visitors were carried out. As a result, contributions were obtained to the recognition of the profile, satisfaction and perception of the tourist, on the management of the destination and the services. Aspects such as infrastructure, security, costs, environmental conservation among others were explored. It is concluded that the visitor to San Lorenzo is a young person, with superior training and a medium spending capacity. He goes to the destination to rest and enjoy the sun and the beach. From his perception, there are many aspects to conserve. However, their responses allow us to recognize the need to improve aspects such as the management of cultural events, tourist information, signage, sanitary batteries, recycling, accessibility for people with disabilities and leisure and recreation services.
Keywords: sustainable tourism, supply and demand, tourism in Ecuador, sun and beach tourism, development of tourist attractions.
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