In this work, the social, corporal and cognitive development in children of initial education was evaluated. For this, the methodology was implemented without tables and without chairs, you learn better. The work was carried out in groups of 120 children between the ages of 3 and 5, taking into account dynamic activities that allowed evaluating socialization, body development and the construction of learning. The results showed that with activities, dynamic, active framed a playful approach and with the application of strategies aimed at the acquisition of an integral development, the contribution in the provision of social, physical and cognitive skills is overwhelming. For this reason, the study presented justifies its value in a range of comprehensive benefits with a relevant importance in the development of children, which will allow them to perform better in their educational life. The evaluation was carried out with a comparative table of before and after with a quantitative approach, the study made it possible to show that with active, free and playful methodologies a better development of social, body and cognitive skills is obtained in children.
Keywords: initial education, social development, body development, cognitive development.
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