Experimental and numerical studies have focused interest in the flow field with toothed walls surfaces and cavities, where the flow turbulence is captured in images with the Schlieren technique and recreated with computer codes. In the present work, a numerical study is carried out for the air flow in a straight duct with serrated walls for six pressure cases. The flow was simulated for a 2D computational domain with the ANSYS-Fluent code, for which the RANS model was used in conjunction with the Menter turbulence model. The fields of Mach number, velocity, pressure and temperature with the presence of eddies and shock waves were obtained. In certain regions the flow presented deviations when it collided with the corners of the teeth, for which it originated induced fluctuations of the thermodynamic parameters downstream and towards the central region; swirls were present in the spaces between teeth; oblique shock waves were present at the end of the last tooth. It is concluded that the toothed section increases turbulence and influences the flow velocity to have a stepped increase in the transonic regime.
Keywords: duct, air flow, fluctuation, shock wave, toothed wall, simulation.
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