Research on covid-19 currently focuses the activity of the international scientific community. In the context of the pandemic, it becomes relevant to produce knowledge about the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in the gestational process, pregnancy, the effects on obstetric patients during childbirth, postpartum and newborn. It is known that the pregnant woman, due to the changes she goes through, is prone to respiratory diseases, and that makes her particularly sensitive to COVID-19. It is useful to form a state of the issue from the systematic review of the literature on the subject, taking as its main source the reports issued by the World Health Organization, as well as other scientific communications, with the aim of describing some proposals for the care of pregnant patients infected or not. In most of the sources consulted, agreement was expressed on the need to study and establish a protocol of care for women in a state of gestation and the fetus, including the newborn.
Keywords: gestational process, childbirth, postpartum, COVID-19, pregnancy.
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