The present investigation focuses its actions on the study of the psycho-pedagogue's contribution in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. At first, a review of the state of the art is carried out, making it possible to know some important theoretical constructs for tackling this topic and thus be able to go deeper into the elements that may be affecting the appropriate intervention of this type of disorder. The objective of this work was to identify the contribution of the psycho-pedagogue in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, to fulfill this purpose, a qualitative-quantitative mixed methodology was used using techniques such as the interview and the survey, allowing the collection of relevant data on the object of study. It was concluded that the contribution that the psycho-pedagogue provides to students with ADHD translates into a global aid in the development of the individual in academic and daily extracurricular activities.
Keywords: disorder, attention deficit, psycho-pedagogue, intervention.
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