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work engagement
local governments

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Calizaya Lopez, J. M., Morales Palao, B., Pinto Pomareda, H. L., & Bellido Medina, R. S. (2020). ANALYSIS OF THE WORK ENGAGEMENT IN WORKERS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS OF THE CITY FROM AREQUIPA, PERU. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(106), 13-19.


The objective of the study was to analyze the level of the work engagement according to socio-labor factors in workers from two local governments, the study was carried out in 477 workers of local management, to whom the UWES-17 scale (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale) was applied. It was found that the level of work engagement in the workers is of medium level, no statistically significant differences were found according to sex and work condition, however, differences were found according to work center. In conclusion, the level of work engagement in workers is due to the fact that they have not yet fully experienced a positive psychological state towards their work, to be able to get involved, get excited and feel good in their work space.

Keywords: work engagement, workers, local governments.


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