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labor legislation
employment contract

How to Cite

Ortiz, A., Ortiz, S., Paredes, J., & Cordova, M. (2020). TELECOMMUTING: A NORMATIVE ANALYSIS IN ECUADORIAN LEGISLATION. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(106), 20-26.


This work is an analytical and comparative study between the current labor contract regime in Ecuador and the telework contract that seeks to solve the legal problem of Establishing whether the teleworking employment relationship configured as an employment contract may be subject to the general rules of the contracts or specific rules of the housing contract contemplated in the Ecuadorian Labor Code. As teleworking is not recognized by Ecuadorian labor legislation, the work is divided into three different chapters that seek to solve the aforementioned legal problem. All the characteristics, elements and other issues relevant to the labor contract regime are exposed, serving as a background for the aforementioned comparative analysis. Subsequently, a description and analysis of the figure of telework is made, as well as its characteristics and elements that make it a different and unique figure. Finally, an analysis was made of home work (a modality that is regulated by Ecuadorian labor legislation) and then went on to compare it with teleworking. The result of this comparison is to determine if it is legally possible to regulate a teleworking contract using the rules that regulate contracts in the labor regime.

Keywords: Telecommuting, labor legislation, employment contract.


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