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financial analysis
digital marketing
social networks

How to Cite

Rodriguez, A., Arellano, A., & Camacho, V. (2020). FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF DIGITAL MARKETING ON SMES IN CHIMBORAZO, ZONE 3 OF ECUADOR. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(106), 43-51.


Social networks and the internet are today a potential for companies, for the strengthening of their image and their quick way of reaching customers. In this paper, the impact of digital marketing in SMEs in the province of Chimborazo in Ecuador is analyzed. The results revealed that SMEs have a participation of
8.72% in social networks, where micro-enterprises have 90.81%. The province of Chimborazo obtained a participation of 3.18%, where Pichincha and Guayas obtained 23.75% and 18.95% respectively. In 2015, SMEs invested around 15 million dollars in social networks. Finally, it is concluded that sales have
been growing in recent years, by a total of 116 million and in SMEs by 774 thousand dollars in 2018.

Keywords: financial analysis, digital marketing, social networks.


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