The agricultural companies of the Latacunga canton face constant variations in their economy due to low liquidity, credit and profitability indexes, being the main reasons for mismanagement of assets. The objective of the research is to analyze the efficiency and financial risks in the agricultural companies of the Latacunga canton. Two types of financial risks were analyzed, which are affected by organizations such as liquidity risk and additional credit risk, obeying the correlational level of quantitative order. As the main result, the company ASVEGETAL S.A had the best level of liquidity to cover its short-term obligations, contrary to those that require financial management. In the same way, it was established that the company LEALPAVE S.A with the greatest deficiencies with regard to credit risk; Finally, the company QUINOA COTOPAXI S.A. was identified. that had better performance and performance.
Keywords: Financial risk, Efficiency, Agricultural Companies, Liquidity.
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