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Prado Matamoros, A. M., Velasquez Paccha, K. G., & Gonzalez Garcia, W. A. (2020). NUTRITIONAL TREATMENT OF TYPE II DIABETES AND OBESITY. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 24(106), 109-118.


Obesity and type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have been declared pandemics of the new century, due to their accelerated growth and presence in the world population. However, the approach used in the treatment of these conditions has been based on the pharmacological care of the associated comorbidities, without achieving positive effects on the disease in the long term. In this sense, the objective of the research was to investigate the basic parameters of obesity and T2DM care, through non-pharmacological nutritional care through a bibliographic review in databases taking into account the scientific content of each study analyzed. The scientific evidence is consistent to point out that a type of diet with a low fat intake, moderately high protein content, low glycemic index carbohydrates is adequate to maintain and / or restore health conditions in this type of patient.

Keywords: Diabetes, Obesity, Diabesity, Nutrition.


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