Chapter of the book "Quantitative research"

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Chapter of the book "Quantitative research"
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Doctorate in Educational Sciences, Master of Science with a Mention in Social Management-Sustainable Development and Bachelor of Social Work. Principal Professor and Director of the Academic Department of Social Work, UNSA-INVESTIGA Research Professor and member of the Institute of Social Research of the National University of San Agustín, Arequipa, Peru.
Doctor in Psychology and Master in Strategic Management of Human Resources. Assistant professor in the Industrial Relations study program, UNSA-INVESTIGA research professor and member of the Institute of Social Research of the National University of San Agustín, Arequipa, Peru.
Doctor of Administration (DBA), Master of Science, with a mention in Social Management and Human Resources. Consultant for Research Projects related to public and mental health. Teacher of the Professional School of Social Work of the National University of San Agustín.
Morales Palao, Blanca, Master of Science, Industrial Relations with a mention in Strategic Human Resources Management, Bachelor of Communication Sciences, Specialization in Public Relations, Diploma in Human Resources, Assistant Professor of the Communication Sciences study program and member of the Institute of Social Research of the National University of SanAgustín, Arequipa, Peru.
Monzón Álvarez, Gloria Isabel, Doctor in Administration (DBA), Master in Development Strategies and Social Policies, Graduate in Social Work, member of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Historical-Social Sciences. Expert in the execution of Social Welfare Programs, Health Promotion and Policies of the Comprehensive Public Health System. Teacher of the Professional School of Social Work of the National University of San Agustín.
Ceballos Bejarano, Ferdinand Eddington, Graduate in Mathematics, Master in Finance and Business Administration, Doctor in Business Sciences. Assistant teacher in the study program Administration and Finance, and member of the Institute of Social Research of the National University of San Agustín, Arequipa, Peru.