Cleaning, correcting, and geocoding of big address databases using text mining
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How to Cite

Fredy Humberto, & Fernandez Rozas, N. E. (2021). Cleaning, correcting, and geocoding of big address databases using text mining. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25(109), 80-87.


For the georeferencing of a big number of addresses, prior geocoding through public or private systems is necessary. Geocoding is not an exact science because addresses are usually written and stored by people, which causes different precision issues in the registry, such as misspellings, unnecessary data, or a lack of minimal data. To address this problem, this article describes a methodology that cleans and corrects addresses by optimizing the geocoding process using existing systems. For its development, the Knowledge Discovery in Text (KDT) process is used. The methodology is applied to a database of criminal events addresses provided by the criminal analysis unit of the Regional Prosecutor's Office of Biobío, Chile. The results show an increase in the number of geocodes of the implemented systems, which varies according to the system used.

Keywords: Georeferencing, geocoding, Text mining.


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