The objective of this article is to determine the influence of the addition of titanium dioxide (TiO2) in Type I Portland cement mortar. The research is descriptive, correlational, explanatory, with an experimental, longitudinal, prospective design and a cohort study. A standard mixture and three mortar mixtures with 5%, 7.5% and 10% TiO2 content were prepared as replacement of the cement volume for self-cleaning properties, the rhodamine and weathering test was carried out. The incorporation of titanium dioxide decreased compressive strength, increased fluidity and water absorption rate; the rhodamine test showed that the mortar without photocatalytic activity did not contain TiO2 because it does not comply with the photodegradation factors R4 and R26. By exposing panels to weathering, favoring the self-cleaning property of mortars with the addition of TiO2 (5%).
Keywords: Photocatalytic activity, photodegradation factors, titanium dioxide, mechanical properties and self-cleaning.
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