A comparative analysis of the technical efficiency in the production of national cocoa among the main producing cantons of the province of Guayas was carried out. For this, the study was based on an analysis with inductive reasoning and empirical-analytical paradigm, through the elaboration of surveys to 361 UPA's in the cantons of: Milagro, San Jacinto de Yaguachi, El Empalme, Alfredo Baquerizo Moreno, Naranjal and Simón Bolívar; these data served as the basis for the elaboration of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model. The results show that on average, the Simón Bolívar canton is the canton with the highest technical efficiency, with 50% of the total UPAs surveyed in the range of 70% and 99% effectiveness. Finally, regarding the observed averages of allocative efficiency, it can be concluded that Jujan has the highest average with 75%.
Keywords: Technical and Allocative Efficiency, National Cocoa, Enveloped Data Analysis, Non Parametric Method.
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