The objective of this research is to measure the market share generated by commercial passenger transport airlines that operate direct international routes to and from El Dorado International Airport during the study period 2017-2019, as well as to identify the size of airlines' offer and the market leader, and observing its behavior; considering this airport as the main and most important one in Colombia, as well as cataloged and awarded as one of the best airports in South America by the criteria of the recognized and significant Skytrax awards of the aviation industry; Likewise, this work handles a qualitative-quantitative, exploratory and descriptive bibliographic approach based on the synthetic and deductive-inductive methods applied in the process for obtaining the results and revealed in the analysis presented about the market share reflected by the studied airlines, through the quantitative data collected about the direct international routes handled by each one of them, the size of the market and its evolution throughout the study period.
Keywords: Market share, international direct routes, airlines, airport.
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