Proposed model for predicting economic growth based on the Keynesian aggregate demand equation: Case of Ecuador 1965-2018


aggregate demand

How to Cite

Ruso Leon, J. A., Contreras Chacon, E. R., & Villamar Ortiz, D. P. (2021). Proposed model for predicting economic growth based on the Keynesian aggregate demand equation: Case of Ecuador 1965-2018. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25(111), 49-56.


It is important for researchers and economic policy makers to forecast GDP but sometimes it is complicated or expensive to access the information of the five components of the equation, so this research proposed to validate a model as parsimonious as possible that would make reliable predictions of GDP. Through an iterative process they were estimated and validated, using multiple linear regression and based on the Expenditure Method equation, equations to which
non-significant and / or less explanatory regressors were eliminated seeking maximum parsimony, to then prove the predictive power of valid equations. As a result, a statistically valid estimator with high predictive power was found, but it includes the five regressors of the original equation.

Keywords: GDP, aggregate demand, forecast, parsimony.


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