Local productive systems within the perspective of the circular economy


local productive systems
linear economy
circular economy

How to Cite

Rosales, I., Avitia, J., Ramirez, J., & Urbina, E. (2021). Local productive systems within the perspective of the circular economy. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 25(111), 57-66. https://doi.org/10.47460/uct.v25i111.516


The objective of this research is to present a proposal of the production function of the circular economy to contribute to the conceptual development of local productive systems. A systematic review of the literature and a critical discourse analysis were used, allowing to adjust the production functions within the LPS. The results describe how LPSs can be within into a circular productive dynamic allowing a change in the focus of the production function, which in the dominant
economic discourse ignores possible resources and only assumes linear management models, within these systems. In conclusion, by adjusting the production function for SPLs in a dynamic circular economy, it allows the incorporation of waste as a type of secondary capital in production processes.

Keywords: local productive systems, linear economy, circular economy.


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