Within the health sector, it is vitally important to analyze whether households incur catastrophic spending for using such services. In this sense, the study seeks to estimate catastrophic health spending for households with members over 60 years of age. To achieve the objective, the methodology of the World Health Organization was used to find the way in which the household incurs in catastrophic spending, using as an instrument the National Household Survey of Peru, for the year 2019. The main results found were: that families living in urban areas, who have health insurance, who have a higher academic degree, decrease the probability of incurring in catastrophic spending, while being over 60 years old, having a chronic disease, suffering some permanent limitation and not having hygienic services, help to incur in catastrophic spending, so it was concluded that the most vulnerable areas should be attended to achieve a better welfare for older adults.
Keywords: catastrophic expense, out-of-pocket expense, health insurance.
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