Assessment of landscape quality based on the identification of its properties


landscape quality
visual factors
green spaces

How to Cite

Ortega Bravo, B. H., Cedeño Castro, D. P., & Briones Ordonez, O. V. (2022). Assessment of landscape quality based on the identification of its properties. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26(113), 32-39.


The work analyzes the assessment of landscape quality in Ricaurte Street in the city of Portoviejo, province of Manabí. The main properties were identified with the purpose of establishing the visual factors that give depth to the work. Using a qualitative methodology of a descriptive, analytical and deductive type, it was possible to give way to the collection of information through a survey of citizens, merchants, and architects of the sector. Several criteria were used for data analysis, such as historical attributes, symbolic attributes, spatial attributes, socio-economic attributes, constructive architectural attributes, landscape attributes, ecological natural attributes, and visual attributes. It was concluded that there is a landscape rupture, which is being linked to the re-structuring of the historic
center of the city, in order to improve the landscape visibility of the area considered in the study.

Keywords: landscape quality, visual factors, green spaces.


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