This research seeks to propose a comprehensive social development program that strengthens the agency-agency collaboration of the county of Miracosta in Peru, by 2020. The work is quantitative, non-experimental, descriptive, active, and transparent in scope. The information was collected through a questionnaire with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.939, applied to a sample of 345 residents of Miracosta and 20 officials from the Health, Educational, and Social Sectors. The results
obtained showed that in the municipality of Miracosta there is a very low level of inter-institutional cooperation, concluding that the proposed social development program with inclusion is an essential an instrument that will contribute to the improvement of cooperation between institutions, based on a framework both theoretical and, as methodological with coherence and consistency. Proposing axes of intervention that contribute to the welfare of the inhabitants of the province of Miracosta, possibly at the service of other provinces with many characteristics of the country's poor pockets.
Keywords: Municipal management, development, social, inclusive, agenda.
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