The objective of the study was to make a proposal for an internal control model, analyzing the Peruvian legislation in the specific area related to the management of the execution of the works "Improvement of the Jayanca Highway, Pampa de Lino" - GORE Lambayeque, through a quantitative study with a descriptive purpose and non-experimental design using a sample of 20 workers from the Institutional Control Unit of the Regional Directorate, among managers, professionals, and technicians. Using the survey technique, whose instrument was the Likert scale questionnaire. Confirming the results that the management of the execution of work is regular, according to the qualification given by 60% of the workers surveyed, the same happening with the dimensions being in the same range. Concluding that the objective of the proposal is to achieve the effectiveness of internal control in the management of the execution of the work "Improvement of the Jayanca highway, Pampa de Lino" - GORE Lambayeque, providing a timely, correct, efficient and transparent use in the management of state assets and resources.
Keywords: Internal control, work execution management, institutional control body.
14-38, 2020.
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