This work consists of a study of wind turbine configurations, analyzing their efficiency, and proposing optimization stages for wind energy conversion technologies. This has made it possible to establish a reconfigurable model of adaptive turbines, under the criteria of minimum environmental impact
on fauna, maximum energy efficiency, and dynamic updating to new technologies. The method consisted of the identification of the parameters of the wind system, its analysis, and the generalization of the architecture. A set of optimization variables was obtained, which allowed proposing of innovative techniques for adapting the configurable model of the system. The developed model provides a basis for the identification of parameters, online diagnosis, configurable optimization stages on the installed wind turbines, improves efficiency, environmental remediation and regeneration of the flow pattern conditions and optimal environmental variables of the system, as well as recycling. programmed in the technological update stage.
Keywords: Wind turbines, dynamic optimization, reconfigurable systems, environmental regeneration.
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