Application of an artificial neural network in the recognition of geometric figures


image recognition
machine learning
artificial neural networks
artificial intelligence

How to Cite

Adrianzen Olano, I., Villegas Cubas, J. E., Vega Huertas, H., & Maquen Nino, G. L. E. (2022). Application of an artificial neural network in the recognition of geometric figures. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26(114), 93-107.


The objective was to implement an artificial neural network to improve the recognition of geometric figures that later allow making estimates about shapes in a real context to create virtual planes. A Matlab program was developed to create the neural network and two knowledge bases containing fifteen different geometric figures that were developed for the training stage and for the recognition stage. The results of the training phase were carried out in three processes, obtaining a percentage of 11.35%, 3.55%, and 2% error margin respectively, later came the recognition stage with three processes, obtaining 40%, 100%, and 100% figures recognized respectively. It is concluded that the implemented neural network performed the recognition of fifteen geometric figures correctly (100%), requiring three training processes and three recognition processes to verify their learning.

Keywords: Image recognition, Machine learning, artificial neural networks, artificial intelligence.


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