The objective of this work was to compare the different concentrations of eye drops of Cantua buxifolia gus, ex Lam with different substances that allow ophthalmological use without causing acute eye irritation. This method is based on the choroidal asthmatic egg membrane method. (HET-CAM). The results show the weight, volume, density test, and parameters of the egg, as well as fertilization, complying with the criteria specified in HET-CAM Technology - INVITTOX (Protocol 108). Finally, it is concluded that the approach of Cantua buxifolia Juss eye drops, ex Lam, with an irritation index of 1 mg/ml, 2 mg/l, 3 mg/ml is zero and a concentration of 4 mg/ml is the maximum dose tolerated.
Keywords: Toxic dose, ocular irritation, ciprofloxacin, chorioallantoic membrane.
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