Comparative analysis of the efficiency of Data Persistence Frameworks. Case study Hibernate 5.4 and MyBatis 3.4


data persistence framework
comparative analysis

How to Cite

Mendoza-Palomino, Y. L., Lagos-Barzola, M. A., & Porras Flores, E. E. (2022). Comparative analysis of the efficiency of Data Persistence Frameworks. Case study Hibernate 5.4 and MyBatis 3.4. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 26(117), 24-32.


The objective of the study was to determine whether Hibernate 5.4 or MyBatis 3.4 is the most efficient in terms of time, RAM, and CPU usage. Two REST microservices were implemented to perform CRUD operations; which were accessed by REST services developed with Hibernate and MyBatis invoked from a client. Our results were that Hibernate was the most efficient with respect to processing time at 509.1% and 47.7% for select and delete queries, while Mybatis was at 12.7% and 14.2% for update and insert queries, correspondingly. Regarding the use of RAM and CPU, MyBatis was determined to be the most efficient at 55.2% and 20% respectively.


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