The main component of the movement area of an airport is its landing strips, which must be kept in optimal conditions for the takeoff and landing of aircraft; it is vitally important to know the current state in which it is operating, in that In this sense, the objective of the investigation was to determine the surface
evaluation of the asphalt pavement of the runway of the Alférez FAP David Figueroa Fernandini airport in Huánuco (Peru) applying the PCI methodology based on the deterioration observed on its surface. A visual inspection was carried out, measuring the types and areas of deterioration, recording on the inspection sheet provided by the ASTM D 5340 standard to analyze the PCI through the EVALPAV Software; later, the results yielded an average PCI of 62 value that quantifies the state of exemplary conservation in which the pavement is located, for which it is recommended to carry out rehabilitation of said airstrip.
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