Bamboo is a plant from India, South America, and South Africa. It is a renewable resource because it does not need seeds for reproduction. Among its multiple uses, the best known is the use of wood, as well. It has culinary properties and is used for meals such as stews and salads. Bamboo is a natural resource that is a fundamental part of the development of the economy of rural communities in Peru. This research aimed to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental aspects that have to do with the cultivation of bamboo in the district of Imaza, specifically in the Native community of Umukai - Nazareth. The study sample consisted of bamboo producers from the Apacun Majai Agropiscícolas Association. This research was basic, non-experimental, with a quantitative approach. The methodology applied was a structured survey applied to the community under study. The main results showed that bamboo is part of the alternatives for the recovery and strengthening of soils due to its rapid growth, firmness in the earth, and carbon capture. In the same way, it was verified in the main results that bamboo favors the economic, productive, and social aspects of the studied community, contributing to sustainable rural development.
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