Use of recycled steel fibers to improve the structural behavior of rigid pavement


rigid flooring
recycled steel fiber
higher resistance

How to Cite

Juarez Viera, P. D., Sanchez Zapata, E. G., & De la Cruz Vega, S. (2023). Use of recycled steel fibers to improve the structural behavior of rigid pavement. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 27(120), 8-18.


In Peru, both in the capital and its different departments, they present difficulties on their roads, complicating vehicular flow. This study aims to determine the use of recycled steel fibers for the structural improvement of rigid pavement. The results of the study show that the concrete increased its compressive strength with the incorporation of recycled steel fibers, with proportions of 2%, 4%, and 6%, resulting in an increase of 9.25%, 11.38%, and 14.28% concerning the resistance of a standard concrete of 221.43 kg/cm2, and with the application of the AASTHO 93 method, a slab thickness of 19.00 cm and a sub-base of 20.00 cm were obtained. Adding recycled steel fibers to the concrete increases its compressive strength and improves the rigid pavement's structural behavior.


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