Influence of rainfall on water quality in relation to metals in rivers on the coast of Peru


water quality

How to Cite

admin, & Chau Lam, J. A. (2023). Influence of rainfall on water quality in relation to metals in rivers on the coast of Peru. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 27(120), 42-50.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of rainfall on the quality of river water concerning metals, for which the results obtained from the monitoring carried out by the National Water Authority of Peru in the sub-basin and sub-basin were considered coastal basins were carried out in the flood and dry season periods in the same hydrological year. Through the analysis of the single categorical factor, two levels were evaluated, one level being the flood period and the other the dry season, through the Statgraphics V.19 software. From the results, a p-value of 0.8029 was obtained. Therefore, it is concluded that the rains do not significantly influence the water quality concerning metals in the rivers studied on the coast of Peru.


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