Tourist culture in visitors to the city of Arequipa


tourist culture
tourist attractions
tourist attitude
tourist behavior

How to Cite

Ojeda Portugal, J. J., Diaz Santivanez, J. S., Zuniga Flores, K. Y., Moran Cruz, F., & Alarcon Vilca, C. A. (2023). Tourist culture in visitors to the city of Arequipa. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 27(120), 51-57.


The tourist culture was analyzed in the people who visit the attractions of the city of Arequipa according to their sociodemographic variables. The study was descriptive-comparative, quantitative, non-experimental, and cross-sectional; 1914 tourists participated who were intentionally selected and contacted directly. A duly validated survey was applied to them to determine the level of tourist culture. The survey revealed a high level of tourist culture in the visitors analyzed. In addition, it was found that women, people with a higher level of education, and foreigners have a better tourist culture. Finally, it can be affirmed that the tourist culture in the region is adequate and allows the expression of values, positive attitudes, responsibility for the environment and resources, interest in knowing the essence of Arequipa traditions, and showing respect to the host and their customs.


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