Advances in social responsibility within the Peruvian state, adding public value and behavior-based innovation in the economy


corporate social responsibility
Latin America

How to Cite

Zapata, E. (2023). Advances in social responsibility within the Peruvian state, adding public value and behavior-based innovation in the economy. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 27(120), 58-71.


Corporate social responsibility is a behavior in which organizations contribute to sustainable development by taking responsibility for their economic, social, and environmental impacts on relevant stakeholders. In the governmental context, social responsibility is more focused on providing services to citizens based on principles of transparency, accountability, ethical behavior, respect for human rights, and international standards. To investigate this topic, a qualitative and hermeneutic approach was adopted, analyzing literature and regulations from the Peruvian State and conducting in-depth interviews with thirty officials from public institutions. The results indicate that, while Peru has implemented social responsibility practices mainly related to sustainable innovation, there is still a lack of full understanding of the needs and desires of the population, which can lead to improvements and innovations disconnected from the real requirements of society.


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