Influence of the Nuestra Señora de Morcá sanctuary on the social and religious attitude of young people


Nuestra Señora de Morcá Sanctuary
social attitude
religious attitude

How to Cite

Rincon Morales, V. A. (2023). Influence of the Nuestra Señora de Morcá sanctuary on the social and religious attitude of young people. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 27(121), 74-84.


The study's objective was to determine the influence of the Nuestra Señora de Morcá Sanctuary on young people's social and religious attitudes in an educational institution in Colombia. Methodologically, the research was developed under the hypothetical-deductive method, descriptive and correlational, with a non-experimental design. A survey was administered to 26 high school students between 15 and 18 years of age. The results showed that both the social attitude and the religious attitude of the young students are associated with an index in Pearson's Alpha coefficient of 0.808, given what the religious representation of Our Lady of Morcá symbolizes. It is concluded that the system of social values that the study students manage is closely linked to the effects generated by their religious and cultural roots, which have surely been transferred from generation to generation.


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