ChatGPT and scientific research in university higher education


scientific research
higher education
artificial intelligence.

How to Cite

Hinojosa Mamani, J., Ticona Paucar, J. H., Mamani Gamarra, J. E., Yana Pariapaza, D., & Cavero Aybar, H. N. (2024). ChatGPT and scientific research in university higher education. Universidad Ciencia Y Tecnología, 28(125), 17-24.


In the present study, the influence of ChatGPT on scientific research in university higher education was determined. The deductive method, quantitative approach, explanatory level, and pre-experimental design were used. The sample consisted of 36 students coursing a Master's Degree in University Research and Teaching at the Graduate School of the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Peru. The results showed that ChatGPT significantly influences scientific research, with an increase in results from the pretest of 2.8% to the posttest of 80.6%. In conclusion, ChatGPT has a positive impact on the formulation of scientific research, demonstrating its potential to improve the academic quality and impact of research papers.


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